It was another weekend out west - western Pennsylvania, that is - my first since school started and I had a grand time as usual, some of it just doing plenty of nothing all over the place. How I wish I could ride around out there on a scooter. Many of the local roads seem to be made for two wheeled riding with lots of twisties and gorgeous scenery everywhere the eye can see!
We stopped by at an auction where I saw these little guys. They didn't appear to be street legal with their tiny little headlights and lack of mirrors but they sure were cute.
Not far from there we met up with another pair of cuties. I approached their enclosure with camera in hand, about 20 feet away from them, and they both came trotting down to where I was standing, smiling and snorting like a couple of excited puppies might have done. I wanted to pet them but the electrified fence kept my hands outside.
Photo by Susan
When I'm out there I hear trains often enough as they roll through the downtown with their horns blowing. This time when we heard one we had nothing else to do than hop into the car and chase it. We caught up with the tail end as it was leaving town and with the GPS in hand I was able to follow the map of the rails to a crossing a few miles away. We beat the train by a few minutes and I was able to get this shot as it came blazing through.
When the train passed these bikers came through the crossing. I'm not typically one to admire patriotism worn all over somebody's sleeve, but the sight of the large American flag on the back of the bike stirred me.
On the way to the crossing we'd seen a sign indicating that there was a covered bridge to be visited down a small side road. We took the turn on the way back. The covered bridge was a nice one, but the sight of this beauty outside a V.F.W. hall was much more impressive.
I'll be heading back out there in three weeks or so and by then most of the leaves will probably be wearing their spectacular fall colors. Meanwhile I'll do as much riding as I can get in before it's time to plug the BV into the battery tender, cover her up, and wait for the spring thaw.

You sound sad about the approaching colder weather. I installed one of the liners in my jacket last night that I hadn't used for about 5 months. Holding off on the second, heavier liner for now, but there will be a day.
Joe, the colors are starting to look real nice there. We can definitely feel Fall here in the NW, although the first day of Fall was near 80 degrees!
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