I've been grounded. I took the BV to work on Monday and it stalled three times on the way there. I'd hoped it was just the cooler morning temperature somehow affecting things, but I stalled coming back to the house in the warm afternoon sun too. It seems that the idle is either too low or choppy or both and I don't know anything at all about internal combustion engines so I can't even hazard a guess as to what it might need. I'll hobble it down to Team Effort next week, after payday. You can suggest things if you're cycle savvy, but I'm not digging in under the plastic myself. It figures - conditions for riding this week are picture perfect, but here I am with a bike that I'm afraid to ride for fear of getting stranded if it should stall and then not want to start back up.
After all the moaning I did about going back to school, I've been glad to be back. Okay, it's only been three days so far with 177 more to go, but I like it!

I am also mechanically challenged, very much like yourself, but I am good at offering advice. I hope it's just your plug.
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Have you filled the tank recently at an el cheapo off brand gas station? Could be dirty fuel or fuel with water in it. Could be about a dozen other things too but "unclean" fuel can clog up the fuel filter or carburetor where the holes through which the fuel passes on it's way to be burned are amazingly tiny. Doesn't take more than a spec to mess things up.
Gas stations have procedures for checking the big tanks for water, dirt, dead squirrels, or whatever. Then there are big fuel filters between the tanks and the dispensing nozzle. Some stations are not real consistent about their tank and system maintenance.
If you're feeling adventuresome you can siphon all the gas from your fuel tank and then start the scooter and run the motor until the engine dies to get the last of the old fuel out of the system. Then refill with fresh, premium fuel from a major brand station. Keep your fingers crossed, could save your some $.
Best of luck getting your scooter on the road again quickly.
Not much of a gearhead myself either and I have a tendency to lose patience when things like that happen. I do bet it is either the plug or the fuel. Hope you are back up and running soon.
If you can find the spark plug cap you can try pushing it down firmly on the plug itself. Sometimes on Piaggio products the cap works itself loose, just slightly, and interrupts electricity as the scooter rides over a rough patch.
Why Piaggio has this minor issue with some Vespas, BVs and LTs I have no idea. Or you could buy a Triumph Bonneville which doesn't.
I love that picture!!!! Is that an actual photo with a photoshop edit?
Sorry about the scooter. Hope it's fairly painless.
Dan, it's a regular old photo, and nothing special. I popped it through a PSP filter and that's what came out.
I dropped the scooter off today. It needs an oil change and inspection in addition to getting its sputter fixed.
Did you buy gas when a truck was at the station refilling its tanks? I'll bet some stuff was stirred up that day and it's sitting in your tank and float bowl. A little dry gas would have done the trick.
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