Thursday, June 13, 2013

End of School Again!

I'm cranking this out at my school desk on the netbook.  Everything that I use here on a daily basis has been put away for estivation.  The room is barren, and, alone with my thoughts I'm not even sure what my heart is thinking.

I am an enigma, even to myself.  For as much as I've looked forward to this day since late August of 2012, its arrival is bittersweet at best.  I need the time off.  I need to purge myself of negative things and soak up as much life and happiness as I can in the coming weeks.  And yet, I know already that I will miss the daily give and take of the classroom and my interactions with the kids.  It's what keeps me young at heart in spite of what my aching joints remind me of in the morning, or in the evening when I try to rise from a comfy chair.

In a few hours I will be walking out the door of my room, getting into my car, and driving for four hours to get away from the daily grind as I've know it for the past ten months.  I'll be cruising through what promises to be a driving rain but praying that I'll feel nothing but sunshine in my heart.

I'll be away for at least the next ten days so if there's nothing here for a while I won't be having a relapse from writing; I'll just be off somewhere being as happy as I can be.  After that I'll be back to scooter rides and the two wheeled introspection that keeps me sane.

Happy Summer Vacation - to ME!

1 comment:

The City Mouse in the Country said...

**chuckles** A friend of mine has been a teacher for years and told me that he was bored about 3 days into his summer vacation. I told him to buy a scooter.