I'd be remiss if I didn't visit here with at least a few words about the March blizzard of 2017 that hit us three days ago mostly, on Tuesday, March 14 with significant snowfall overnight from the 13th into the 14th.
I'd been out on the scooter for my birthday not even a week before on the 8th and then again for a quick run to the bank on the 9th, and I was as comfortable as could be, slightly bundled for the 50 some degree weather then. When the forecasters started prognosticating for a major nor'easter early this week I thought for certain that it had to be an early April Fool's prank. With talk of exceeding all records in terms of snowfall, it just didn't seem possible. I'd been having my coffee out on the deck for most of last week.
This was the view from my front door as the snow started tapering off on Tuesday. That's my Impala behind the blue car. It's been dug out. The street's been plowed. A lot of snow remains in huge heaps, but the roads are traversable depending on where one lives and whom one believes on Facebook. I haven't left the house for four days now so I'm relying entirely on heresay.
As for the scooter, I fear it may be a good while, probably a number of weeks, before it'll enjoy rolling about again. Here's the alley that leads from where its parked under the deck to the street. There's no way that its width could fit through that channel cleared by the snow blower. At its worst the snow between my house and the neighbor's was higher than the business part of the blower. It was a struggle by the inch to get it to the front of the house where it was most needed.
Atop the deck under which the scooter rests when I'm not on it, this was the view with the yardstick buried to the 18 inch mark on the table.
While the amount of snow around the Piaggio's tires under the deck isn't that bad, there's a patch of ice in front of the lead tire that isn't going to thaw any time soon as what's in the alley way melts by day and drains down the sidewalk to refreeze at night.
The good news is that my scooter's been serving a useful purpose since the snow began falling. It would appear that at least one of the friendly neighborhood feral cats took shelter under it, as well as a bird or a few. Thankfully I saw no feathers, fur, or blood lying about to indicate that any became a meal for some of the others.
Here's hoping for some long stretches of above freezing weather in the next couple of weeks to reduce the snow mounds to only ice cube sizes, and for a successful outcome to an ordeal I'm facing next month that will determine if I'll have the funding to get some much needed work done on the bike to keep it running smoothly for another 10 years or so.

1 comment:
That was not a good day for me. I went out in blowing snow and watched my snow blower begin to disappear in the drifts. It was pretty deep here.
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