To whomever finds himself here and celebrates Christmas, may you have a most blessed, peaceful, love-filled Christmas with those whom you love.
I was dreaming of a dry Christmas and got my wish, so although I had nowhere to go except to Aunt Betty's to cut her ham I just had to take the scooter out on Christmas Day for no other reason than because I could. Anybody noticing those few extra seconds of daylight in the past few days? Me neither, but wait till they start adding up!
Merry Christmas! God bless us, everyone!

Merry Christmas to you and your family too. Glad you managed to get out for a ride. Luckily we have no snow either
bobskoot: wet coast scootin
Merry Christmas to you, Joe. I hope you had a fine day with your family. I rode my Kawasaki the 45 miles to my niece's house to meet up with my family. 74° and clear skies, a perfect day for a nice ride. ;-)
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