There is much I could write about these days if I wanted to bare my entire soul here at Scootin' da Valley, but I can't. It's been the worst summer of my adult life, hence my relative absence here in what's traditionally been my most productive writing season, and although on one level I'm lamenting as I always do the return to school next week, on another I'm looking forward to it for the sense of normalcy it gives my days. It was the ultimate irony that on the very last day of school in June bad news hit, and the whole summer was colored by it and the events that followed. I write what I do just to keep the machine oiled lightly. Bits and pieces. Odds and ends. Scraps of thought here and there. Like these...
Every time I visit the drive-up ATM I thank God that I'm not one of those folks who has to half open the door to reach the machine. I think those people should turn in their drivers' licenses and start all over - except for the ones who are notably short of stature.
I couldn't help but wonder if I might have been behind the real Santa today on my way back from the dollar store. Okay, the spelling isn't quite right, but it could be that somebody else, just to be funny, took the old guy's name before he could order his vanity plate and that he was forced to adapt the spelling to be at least phonetic.
It was only because I went to grade school with the head parking honcho at a local business that I was able to score a really juicy parking spot for the scooter last week. With all the other parking spots being of the paid variety in a huge lot a decent walk away from the doors, I was most grateful to be among the elite numbered in the "Authorized Vehicles Only" area!
Finally, just a view from an unusual vantage point overlooking this valley in which I hang my hat. The neighborhood in which I grew up is in the foreground. The mountain range behind forms the eastern wall of the valley.
Unless I have a banner weekend this will likely be my last post of Summer Vacation 2010. Bear with me and soon enough you'll hear me shouting and whooping with joy in anticipation of Summer 2011.

My son and daughter have already started their schoolyear as teachers. They both teach high school, but at different schools. It is the first teaching job for my daughter and she is very excited. The world needs more "good" teachers. I bet you are one of them.
Sorry your summer was a bummer. Sometimes despite our best efforts to dodge life's problems they still track us down. I hope your new school year goes well and you can begin looking forward to an improved summer in 2011.
I hope things eventually work out for the best. Having time on your hands doesn't help, going back to work can divert your attention to other matters.
Wet Coast Scootin
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