When I was a kid, there were a number of amusement parks within reasonable driving distance. Not that I ever got taken to them often, but now and then as a rare treat we might visit one on a Sunday afternoon, and the elementary school I attended and later taught at had an annual picnic at one, and then another and another as they closed down in succession leaving "da valley" without one of its own. The only relatively small park (compared to the mega parks owned by huge corporations) that's left is Knoebels in Elysburg, Pa. It's about an hour or so away and just about everybody knows of it, so it's the one I refer to when persons who'd never in a million years get onto a scooter ask me what it's like to ride. My stock answer: "It's like going to Knoebels, but you never have to get off the rides."
I thought of that when I was passing by a fair that's going on between Wilkes-Barre and Scranton and decided to stop in just to get a picture. The fairgrounds were open but the only folks in sight seemed to be the ones who were setting up for when it would open later in the day. There didn't seem to be any Paul Blart types around so I scooted right through the open gates and parked the BV to get a shot with the Ferris wheel in it.
On my way from there to the bank I passed by the V.F.W. hall in Dupont, Pa. - one in which I'd played the accordion in a few different polka bands back in the late 70's when they still had local beers on tap for a dime a glass. Too bad for me then because I didn't like beer and preferred the pretentious taste of scotch and water, but I digress. On the side of the building now is a beautiful patriotic mural. I got a small part of it in this picture, posed with the scooter of course, but because of where the sun was positioned I couldn't get more of it without washing out the shot with glare. I'll have to head back sometime to see if the sun is in a better spot to make capturing the full mural possible.
I was going to ride more but got a call to head to the garage to pick up one of the cars that was in for service, and right after I got back to the house married daughter called to say that she and her husband were on their way up for the Fathers' Day weekend. Thus, I'm only riding the computer chair and might squeeze in a little nap before they get here.
A very Happy Fathers' Day to all the other daddies and guys who are just as good as daddies but without the official title!

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