Punxsutawney Phil
didn’t see his shadow today, but I got to see mine, and on the scooter to
boot! Because the chubby little rodent
didn’t cast a shadow to be seen his implied prognostication is for an early
spring and I’m all for that!
I don’t think I’ve
ever been a big fan of winter because unlike most kids who were outdoors
enjoying the snow and such, I was almost always on the inside watching
them. When I was young my mom and her
mom came from a long line of moms who were absolutely, positively, indubitably,
categorically certain that one’s being outdoors when it’s cold outside
necessarily led to one developing a sickness of some sort ranging from the
simple common cold to the absolute worst cases of pneumonia, and the Lord knew,
as well as Mom, that a cold could turn into pneumonia at the drop of a
hat. It seemed that between the ages of
about four and twelve or so I alternated every two weeks between having a sore
throat (sometimes strep) and an earache anyway and getting dragged to the
doctor’s for a shot of penicillin.
Even if I’d been
allowed to play in the snow I’d most likely have failed miserably at it because
of the gene I have that makes me totally inept at any kind of physical activity
that’s supposed to be fun. I wouldn’t
have been able to throw a snowball to save my life, or ski, or skate, or ride a
sleigh without banging head first into a tree or a fence or something. So, winter?
Bah-humbug! Never liked it. Never will.
It should be noted that I’m not a huge fan of summer either, preferring
the moderate temperatures of the spring and autumn to either of the extremes.
I went out today
simply so I could say I had the scooter out in February in case there isn’t
another day between now and the 29th (Leap year, you know.) on which
there will be favorable riding conditions.
Tomorrow it’s supposed to rain all day and I’m already grateful that it
won’t be snow that’s falling.
Since I had the BV
out a few days ago, and today, if I’m really lucky it might be said by the time
we usher in another new year that 2016 was the year in which I was able to take
the scooter out every month. I do
believe that would be a first since I got the baby scooter in 2007. Here’s hoping that Pennsylvania’s most
famous groundhog was right this time and that daffodils and crocuses won’t be
long off from popping up all over!

1 comment:
You are so lucky to be riding Joe. In my neck of the woods it isn't quite as warm as it might be and the roads are coated with road salt which has dire effects on motorcycle metal. I'm hoping that tomorrow's showers cleanses the roads of this white acid and maybe give me a chance to ride sooner than later. At that the temperatures on the web say it's mid forties here while my mercury thermometer says 38*. A little chilly for me.
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