"Last minute Joe! You have to do everything at the last minute!" I remember my dad growling that at me once when I was burning the midnight oil to get a term paper done. To be sure, he was right; I always waited till I was down to the wire before starting on things I had to submit for a grade. (For the record, I generally got A's.) I can only imagine the choice words he might've had if he'd checked out my college notebooks in which I doodled more than anything else. I'm an auditory learner. As I insisted to more than one professor, it only appeared that I wasn't paying attention.
The current blog header here features a doodle I worked on for a few days, adding to it now and then when I had a few free minutes. The full doodle takes up an 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of standard tying paper. I guess I'd better add it here as a picture because when I change the header this post won't make much sense...
My scooter rides are a lot like my doodles. Just as the pencil or pen tip moves toward no seeming particular end, so does my front wheel turn more often than not to take me in a direction in which I'm not necessarily planning to go. And, when I put down the stylus, just as when I park the bike, I can look back with a bit of a smug smile and take delight in what I've done or where I've been.
I took the BV in on Tuesday for its annual inspection plus an oil change, and to have the drive belt replaced 2,000 miles past when it was due. I dropped it off without making an appointment because the weather was supposed to be lousy all week (which it was) and I hoped they'd get it done within a week or so. They called on Wednesday to let me know that the drive belt would have to be ordered and that it should be ready on Friday or Monday. I figured that with my typical luck what would translate into them calling next Wednesday. I was wonderfully surprised when they called today, Saturday, to let me know that I could pick it up. As soon as I finished my lunch I ran down to get it!
Though it would have been a nice day to ride I'd already made plans with others to head to an apple festival at a not too distant orchard.
A paper on which to draw. A crisp apple. A scooter ride. Being loved. My needs are simple and I wallow in their fulfillment whether manifested humbly or with fanfare.

1 comment:
Your Doodle is quite amazing. I have often thought I was a doodler, but I now know I am but a scribbler...
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