Nothing beats a weekend without rain in the forecast for riding these days, but precious weekend hours are all too short before another work week looms on the horizon. Hopefully it'll be a quick week. After parent conferences tomorrow afternoon and evening I'll have Tuesday off to recuperate and to start packing. I'll be taking another road trip next weekend, though in the cage, to visit my friend in western Pennsylvania. I love my mini vacations out there once a month or so. They're rejuvenating!
If you've heard of North American Warhorse, they're practically in our back yard, and after having driven by their facility many times on the interstate I finally paid them a visit on Saturday. The place is immense and the stock of bikes, ATVs, and other fun vehicles is amazing to see.
We walked the perimeter of the place to check out the many accessories from body armor to boots, gloves, overalls, hats, carry bags. You name it, and they seem to have it. I picked up this fashionable piece of headgear that almost makes me look like I'm gearing up for battle in the Crusades rather than for a ride in the cold.
That was on Saturday. Today found me at the Lackawanna County Visitors' Center with my scooter posed in front of the building under an ominous sky. Luckily the forecast of cloudy didn't amount to anything more than just that.
I also chanced upon this piece of corporate art near the Diversified Information Technologies building not far from the visitors' center.
By the time I decided to head back to the house I was getting chilled to the bone and before I actually arrived here I was quite cold. It wasn't near freezing by any means, but the cumulative effect of the lower temperature and the wind seemed to add up. I want to take the bike to the parent conferences tomorrow evening so I won't have to worry about finding a parking spot among the early bird parents who'll be lining up to see me before I even get there, but thinking about not riding home in the relative warmth of the Neon cage nearly has my teeth chattering already.

Great background on your page! How did you do that?
I used Photoshop to redden a picture I took this past summer. Then I FTPed it up to the server space that my ISP provides so that I can link to it. I used trial and error to find where to plug the link into the Blogger template to make it my background.
And soooo how did the parent teacher conferences go? Were you glad to have the scooter to ride home to blow out the mental cobwebs from all that talking?
Sarch, they went just fine, and I ended up taking the car 'cause I wanted to make a phone call on the way home. The bluetooth ear thing works well enough on the scooter when I'm stopped, but acceleration makes it nearly impossible for the party to whom I'm trying to speak to hear me.
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