It’s almost mid April and I took my inaugural
ride of 2019 just this morning not only because of the weather but with street
“destruction" tossed in for good measure as well. In early December a contractor for the water
company began digging up our street to install a new water main and by mid
month they were in front of my house.
Things were okay until a few days later when I was awakened at 3 AM by a
call from the water company asking me to move my car because the old main which
was still in use had burst beneath the street.
Crews worked until halfway through the next day but when they’d capped
the leak they filled in their dirty work (literally) with just dirt and golf
ball sized rocks. A few days later it
snowed and when the plows came, the street looked like a war zone in their
wake. For weeks I’d feared that my car
was going to be hit by people driving up the street and not seeing the huge
craters in the road next to my car until the last minute. I called the water company and they sent
more dirt and rocks to fill the holes, but again it snowed, again the plows
came, and again the street looked as if it had been bombed.

In mid December the digging began to put in a new water main on our street.
A few days later the old main (still in use) blew right in front of the house.
After their excavation, the water company left the road like this.
And this.
And when it was wet from rain and snow, the road was just a bed of mud leaving the car splattered all the time.
January was damned cold
and I’d not have taken the scooter out if I could have, but when February
arrived with a few nice days I longed to get it out just for the hell of it but
wouldn't dare because of the condition of the street. There was no way I’d have been able to ride over the loose dirt
and rocks to get back to the house without dropping the bike and myself as
With nothing but dirt and rocks, the scooter's front tire would have had no safe purchase for me to get back home.
With March came the thaw,
though to me it seemed that the month was much, much colder than in years past;
I have to admit that it might just have been my old bones perceiving it that
way but either way I wasn’t taking the scooter out of the yard. It was rainy as often as snowy and the
street was a sea of mud. I had to wash
my car every few days and when there were a few days of dry weather the mud
would dry out and every car that went by kicked up a dust cloud that then settled
on the car and on the front of the house.
My repeated calls to the water company from December through April got
me some really sincere sounding lip service that accomplished nothing. It wasn’t until Friday just past (April 12th)
that a crew finally arrived to clean up the dirt and large chunks of rock and
to put some asphalt patch down. That
made today, the 13th with temperatures in the mid 70s my very first
viable day for a ride and I certainly took advantage of it!

The contractors finally came back yesterday after my talking to the water company and them repeatedly while the daily mess went on.
When my front wheel
rolled out of the alleyway and toward the street, as usual, I had no idea at
all where I was going to end up. My
rides are always more about going than being so when I’m off for a ride for the
sake of a ride, it doesn't much matter in which direction I turn at any
particular intersection. As it turned
out I rode about 14 miles today going nowhere special, yet every rotation of
the tires was special because I was finally out and about for the first time
since November and I was enjoying every single second of being out there.
One of the selfies I'd been dying to take for months
Because my left hip and
right knee are both in need of replacement and I’m too stubborn to book the
surgeries, mounting the scooter isn't as easy as it was some years back. I could really use a bike with a true step
through design at this point but having retired early because of my
increasingly poor health it wouldn’t be practical to go shopping for another
one so I’ll get by for as long as the Piaggio lasts me and after that it’ll
probably be the end of my two wheeling days.
Here's hoping for days that keep getting warmer one after another!
Wondering what the numbers will look like when November rolls around again.